Thursday, July 31, 2008

Ivan the terrible claimed to have 'deflowered thousands of virgins and butchered a similar number of resulting offspring'.

Today I watched the news and it said that Exxon/Mobil had a huge increase in their profits.

"Now isn't that interesting," I thought after reading through my credit card statement and saw that the only item on there was gasoline and it was for the month of July and the total amounted to over $300.

$300...some may not even think that is too outrageous, but for someone who rarely drives, rarely does much of's a lot.

Another interesting current event is the number of Amber Alerts in the Massachusetts area.
What is it about summer that makes people crazy and makes non-custodial parents steal children from the custodial parent?

I have no answer for this one. I am soon-to-be, but not yet a parent.

This is a silly post. No one reads these posts anyway, but it is fun to type and write even if it's to no one.

I don't have a whole lot of people to share my thoughts with and I doubt anyone really cares about my thoughts.

Back to final studying. I can not wait until 7 p.m. today. At that time I get to have 2 weeks of a summer vacation in which I will have to do work for the fall semester, but am not required to attend any classes.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

No one's ever there when i wake up

it doesn't take a lot to annoy the fuck out of you.
i'd love to find a person who could get past my neurosis and shortcomings,
but that'd be impossible.

yeah, probably.

yeah, probably.

yeah, probably.

but it's one thing to fall in love with a person
and another to love everything about them,
whether it be the amazing things
or the shitty things.

you are not incapable of dealing with the bad aspects of my personality,
the decision not to is the decision you made.

it just sucks because i wish i could be myself and you would still want to be there in the morning...