Wednesday, October 29, 2008

P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C would look great tattooed on my knuckles,

But I'm not going to do it because like everything else, it would fail to make any dent to you and your superiority complex. The good thing is that I don't feel entirely ridiculous anymore, just mostly. And my need to jump out of a 54th floor window has ceased for the time being. I'll wait until the weather warms up again before contemplating suicide. I would rather my last moments be warm. Every human being wants to feel safe. If i knew how to approach that feeling maybe I could find a way to embrace it. But the light at the end of my tunnel, once again, has been turned off. So for now I will keeping waking up each morning into the same daunting routine in hopes that one day either I won't wake up or that the day will bring something entirely out of the ordinary and something new for me to take part in.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Futile Self-Relexivity Points

With the chill in the air I am taken back to the times I can barely remember. It hurts to stretch the memory in the ways I've been trying to remember me and you. Thinking of memories or am I making them up?
The good, the bad, the "I thought so unforgettable," have almost all been forgotten. But there was a time when I thought us being apart meant the end of world.
Weird, the world kept on going. As it always does, as it always will.
I found the T-Shirt you sent yourself to me in and it's yellow now. It was white nearly a decade ago, but now it's like a wedding dress from some woman's past relationship. Tossed aside, shoved in the back of a closet that has since been filled with new, semi-happier memories.
I found the words you once thought down to paper and realized that those words mean almost nothing now and the person you are now wouldn't recognize the person that wrote those words. If you tried to look your past self in the eyes you would be looking at a stranger. But then again, if you're current eyes were looking into my current eyes we would not understand.
To think there was a time when you were the only person in the world who understood me, but now, while you think you still do, we are both so far gone...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Different Paths

And maybe I will go back to Chicago to live because I can.
But I won't be in charge of you this time. I have to give up my possession of you, like a piece of abandoned property I have satisfied the two elements; I am performing the act of abandonment and have ever intention of abandoning you.
You already lost me, so now it's time for me to lose you.

I never intended to be someone's baby's mamma. You were supposed to abandon me and disappear, not come back and be my possessor.

You possess my heart and I need to take it back. I am the true owner and I have the first right to it. I can't live like this...I deserve better than this and you have no desire to satisfy the things that I want.

I'm surrendering my interest in you. So you go your way and I'll go mine.